I was on a recent quick trip to Singapore and although I get the chance to visit every year or so, it seems like the city-state is forever in a state of flux. Change is the natural course of things in Singapore and it's all for the better as Singaporeans seem almost obsessive about being the best in the region.
The proliferation of museums, galleries and all kinds of venues for the arts in recent years shows how serious they are about cultivating an artistic heritage - something which they have once been accused of lacking, presumably because of the diversity of cultures that make up their population. I guess the thought of becoming a state of human androids (or worse, geeks) would strike fear in the hearts of a people. Which is why the shakers in this part of the region are moving heaven and earth to breed more right-brained people.
The change is all for good. The passion to be Asia's best has reached a high point not just in the visual arts but in culinary arts as well. It's not just malls and museums that dot Singapore's landscapes these days but great food haunts as well. Food in this part of the region was once flavorful but too diverse and there was much "to each/eat his own" going on -- Malays would stick to their spicy laksas, the Indians would have be happy only with curry, and the Chinese want to be left alone with their own dimsum and ducks. But that was the dark ages in Singapore's culinary history.
THE FOOD REPUBLIC is a celebration of Singapore's cultural and culinary diversity. It seems that they have found distinction and a unique identity in being a melting pot of cultures in the real and actual sense of the word.